Saturday, September 29, 2012

Let it Be

"Speaking words of wisdom,  Let it be". 

So much of the wilderness program's message is
this exact line, Let it Be.  Let go of control and Let it be.  Such a simple phrase that can be so very difficult. 

For the last ten days, this is exactly  what Franklin and I have trying to wrap our arms around.

In another one of the moments where you realize that God put you where you were suppposed to be, an amazing thing happened last night.

I came home from work and really just wanted to take of my clothes, wash my face, take off my bra and lay on the couch in  my nightgown watching "Say Yes to the Dress."  Instead, I was lured out of the house and up the street for "Wine Night and Kind of a Going away party for a neighbor Night."  I told Addie, "we will just stay for a little while."

Famous last words.

As usual, a group of women discussed so much stuff.

And then, the husband came home with two of his sons.  Usually a sign of dread but not last night.

One of the sons has Territs Syndrome.  He saw the women, started to twitch, and retired to his room.  Pretty typical behaviour from a high school freshman if you ask me.  What happened next will stay with me forever.

From his room came the sound of organic guitar playing...awesome guitar playing.  And it was him.  And he just sat in that room and played.

Until a group of moms called him out for some Happy Hour Entertainment.

There he was .Tall and lanky, feet crossed in a way that Mary Poppins couldn't even handle, twitching away.

And then he started to sing and play, "Mother Mary comes to me,
Speaking words of wisdom, Let it Be."

It was amazing. His playing, his singing, his passion and the twitches disappeared.  Honestly, I would have been in a convulsion if I had to stand there and sing and play, but in his heart, he was at peace as he played in front of us.

I was so happy for him and so excited to see a young mans peaceful, passionate heart express his spirit.  Never, not one time, in all the times that I have heard this song, did it touch me this way or did I understand its meaning.  Never.

And through his peace, I found a littlle bit of my own.


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