Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today when I got up, it was really just an ordinary day.

I turned on the TODAY show and I was taken back 11 years ago like the rest of the world.

Eleven years ago today, at 41 years old, I found out I was pregnant.

As we stood in shook and watched over and over the events of the day, Franklin and I could not help but being filled with hope.

Wow, such a simple, graceful word with significant meaning.

Nine months later, our bundle of HOPE entered the world.

We didn't know what we were having and we agreed that the child would be named after the significance of the day.

Our "Walker" was here.  Walker as in George W.

He weighed 9-11. 

This morning, I was not hopeful about our current dilemna.

And then, when I heard the news, I was Hopeful.

And happy.  While we all stood in awe eleven years ago, a few short months later, I held God's blessing in my arms, all 9 pounds, 11 ounces.


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