Thursday, October 3, 2024

To anyone who has been in office, currently in office, thinking of being in office, I have a message for you.

For those elected officials who collect a paycheck, we need to chat.

I am a working, 63-year-old mother of three, married woman. I have a career that I receive compensation for but my biggest role (that I do not get paid for) is a mom.  Let me explain to you what that means...

My daughter just celebrated her 21st birthday.  She was born 14 months after her brother.  I purchased maternity underwear when I was pregnant with her brother.  Every two weeks, for 21 years, when I got paid, I stashed money to go replace the pregnancy underwear.  Every year, for 21 years, before I get could new underwear, somebody ran over a nail in the car, somebody had a cavity, broke an I phone, or left an important paper in a backpack and the day that $100 for cheerleading hair bow was due, I was informed.  

As a mom, I quickly learned that there are the most birthdays in September. (holiday season). I had to stash money always for the rough birthday month of birthday parties.  

When I went to the grocery store, I always had an amount (in my head) that I could spend.  I cut coupons, downloaded apps, researched recipes, everything I could do to balance my food budget.  I always bought something for each family membe liked.  Always.  I never (ok, maybe twice) did I purchase something for me. I didn't want to go over the "mental budget". 

I would have been a double showcase winner almost ever grocery trip.  I could get my purchase within a certain amount, without going over, every time!

During cheerleading or wrestling season, I could organize a state championship fundraiser and plan over my cell phone, in a dreaded group text, while driving in a carpool.  And it never failed. Some team would win one game or competition and in 48 hours we were at states and we needed cash, hotel rooms, carpools, etc and we made it happen on a group text.

Some months I was great balancing our family budget, some months I sucked.  But guess what? When things were tight, I didn't spend.  Don't care if it is the third day eating chicken, be thankful.  Roots need done but cannot afford it now.  No stress relief massage this month, we can do without. 

Over the years in my career, I was always on commission.  Meaning, I never really knew what I was getting I had to stash on the good months and make sure I had us covered during the bad months.  My income stayed pretty much the same the last 13 years...some years better, some not.  

Why do I tell you this...several reasons.

I did whatever I could for my family with whatever I had.  If I had to give something up, to provide for my family, I did.  Monthly.  Weekly.  Daily.

If I couldn't afford it, I did without. We did without.  

I mentioned the month of September because not only are there more birthdays in the month of September, but it is also Hurricane month.  You need cash if you live in a Hurricane zone.  There are a million things you need to spend your money on before a Hurricane, but you need cash because if there is not power, you cannot use debit or credit cards.  You need cash. So, I stashed money to prepare.  If we didn't get a Hurricane in September, it went into the Christmas fund.

Why? Because my family is the most important thing to me.

Where do you Pennsylvania Avenue folks come in?

September is Hurricane month although the season is June 1-November 30.  The United States typically has at least one Hurricane per season and one Forest Fire during the season. 

Did you stash money for those months? You know, here in America?

Let me explain.

Our national is debt is the greatest it has ever been in the history of the United States.  Our debt is greater than our military expenses.  This is the first time in history.  Why?  If we don't have it, why are we spending?  This is not about what party pushed the debt, it is about who has to pay for it.  I didn't push the debt by my monies help clean up a mess I didn't make.  And you know what else, did you spend it on your family?  You know, Americans?

Well, let's look at this:

$24,400,000,000 to Ukraine

$11,300,000,000 to Israel

$1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia

$1,600,000,000 to Jordan

I am going to stop and not bother listing anything else.

$770 Million dollars has been allocated for 2024 by FEMA for emergencies.

FEMA spent $640 million dollars on illegal immigrants/newcomers/whatever term you chose. 

$42 million dollars was allocated by the government to give people wifi/web access.  Zero dollars have been spent in 2024.  

Today, in my state of North Carolina, it was announced that anybody affected by Hurricane Helena would receive $750.  But and this is a big one, ONLY if you qualify.  You have to go one line and download the application.  If you do not have a charged phone because you have no electricity or you have been hanging in a tree for six days waiting to be rescued, doubt you can download anything.  If you do not qualify, you are screwed.  You get nothing.  Zero.  Look at the dollar amount above.  If you were not an elected official, you would gag at this amount.  I promise you.

My husband lost everything in Hurricane Andrew.  He had one garbage bag when he left the state of Florida.  He moved in with his parents in Waynesville, NC with two teenage daughters.

Thankfully, his parents provided a roof and love.

After it was announced that these victims would be receiving $750 if they qualified, another prominent politician said, "you folks are going to help these victims out".

I live in Carteret County, NC, a county that was hammered in 2018.  Since last Saturday, I have seen no less than 125 drop off locations, 500 social media posts about where to drop off and who is leaving when with what.  Schools, Boy Scout Troops, Youth Groups, Businesses, nail salons, you name it, we are on it.  One local businessman has already dropped off and is on his way back.  "Mr. Very Important Person in DC", you didn't need to give us permission or tell us that we needed to help, we, the American people, we are on it.

Americans are innately generous people.  We give.  Ask any Boy Scout Troop, Girl Scout Troop or the beneficiary of any pancake breakfast of marathon.  We are givers.

We give and give plenty, but we are not fond of those who take and do not give. And we are certainly not fond of those who give nothing, take lives of Americans but still receive funds and housing.  You know what I mean by this.

We raise our children to be kind and include all.  And we teach our children not to name call.  Do not call us names anymore and quit name calling one another.  It is not nice.  And quit saying that just because I vote one way that I am a pink curler wearing, uneducated, TV dinner eating type of person.  You know nothing about me or why I vote the way I do.  Stop.  I am a person.  I mean something in this country.  I pay my taxes and give back.  Stop.

Stick up for us.  We pay your salaries; we pay the bills.  You overspend and you think it is ok.  Do without.  Be like us.  If you cannot afford steak, then eat chicken. Be like us.

Stop bullshitting us for a vote.  I only have one vote; you only have one vote.  Stop the madness.   

When you show up at these emergency events, do something.  I don't want to hear you talk.  I want to see you bending over, sweating, lifting, treating Linemen who have been stung by yellow jackets, do something.  We don't care what you say, we only care what you do.

Organize help like you are a working mom with a group text, a deadline and a plan.  Get it done. Organize.  Don't talk, do. And do it with" mom like efficiency."

Under promise.  Over deliver.  

And if you do nothing on the above, know this, we are worth more than $750.  You cannot even get a tent and sleeping bag for the winter in WNC with $750 even if you qualify.  

Where did the $750 come from? Who determined this amount and based on what? What year was this, 1776?  

Do you really think that when you do not have a car, a house, no more clothes, nothing but what is on your back, what do really think that $750 is going to accomplish?  Did anybody think to have a senate hearing about this? Have you EVER taken the time to talk to Hurricane Victims, Forest Fire Victims, Flood Victims?  An old-fashioned conversation from those folks may help you understand.

I saw a video of a woman who lost her seven-year-old son and her parents when the roof they were on, detached from the house.  She literally lost everything, everything, including her sanity and her soul and she gets $750.  No doubt she doesn't care about the money, but I am certain she will need grief counseling in her future.  Seven hundred and fifty dollars and only if you qualify.

Come on DC, we deserve more.  We are worth more.  We are smart people.  Where is the respect? 

Why do you get take, but not give?

Your job is to budget monies for emergencies.  You know that Hurricane season is happening annually.  It is not like Leap Year.  Don't spend on others if you cannot take care of your family.  We don't have enough money to get through Hurricane season.  Are you kidding?

Find the money, find it.  Stop spending on something else and find the money to take care of Americans.  Today.  Get out the cell phone, organize the group text, I will make myself available, but get it done.  

I can tell you now, if any of us, us boring tax paying citizens, would go to our boss and say, "Hey, I know it is October 3 and we still have roughly two months of Hurricane season, but we are out of money because I gave all this money to other people", do you really think I would still have a job?  Maybe, because my boss would say, "find it Waldo, find the money for Americans" and if it means you give your money, so be it".  

Get it together Pennsylvania Avenue.

I would also like to suggest, next election season, for the debates, scrub the broadcast commentators.  Let the taxpayers ask the questions.  We have earned it. 

Want to know the first question I would ask, "how are you and the rest of DC going to lower the deficit...and you must answer the question.  If you don't, we borrowed the set from Willy Wonka, and you will go down the tunnel and be done". And short little men with painted faces will sing.  Answer the question. You owe it to us, let's all we get for paying your salary.

Finally, I love the United States. We love the United States.  Act like you love the United States.  Be better.  Fight as hard as those soldiers did when they fought for our freedom.

Without us, there is no need for you. Remember this.

Respect Lady Liberty.  Let her replace that maternity underwear.