Friday, October 12, 2018

The NEW Normal

It has been almost 30 days since Florence came to visit us.  She overstayed her welcome and then the end, she stank like fish, literally.

During that last 30 days, the word "Normal" come up in almost every conversation.

Conversations are guarded at first.  You approach someone or are approached and you are hesitant to ask how they have fared through Florence.  There are only two responses, "Fine, we are so blessed", or "we lost just about everything".

And shortly after this exchange, somebody says,"I just cannot wait to get back to normal."

The new normal is this, survivor guilt, tree trimming services, mosquitoes, flies, stench, debris, PTSD, mold removal services, dry wall specialist, Disaster Relief Fundraisers,
FEMA claims, insurance adjusters,stagnant water,  roofers, painters, displaced families, adjusted school years, mold and mildew specialists and chain saw sounds.  This is the new NORMAL and it is here to stay.

Someone said the piles of debris on the sides of the road were like dirty piles of snow plowed into the parking lots after a big snow storm.  The piles of debris and the flies are a constant reminder of the Florence and her wrath.  Piles of disappointment, sadness and "what next?"  They are heartbreakers.

Most of us have never been a part of a Natural Disaster of this magnitude before and chances are, we will not ever again.

But, this is our "New Normal."

Yesterday, on my way to work, I traveled with Disaster Relief trucks on either side of me.  Behind me were the last of the power company trucks.  In the closed Ghetto K-Mart, the Service Master trucks were getting ready to caravan.  Further down the parking lot, about 25 tree removal trucks.

As I took my exit, I looked over at the Disaster Relief Truck and the passenger looked at me.  I gave him the thumbs up sign.  I know they are on their way to Florida.  As they should be.

Our "New Normal" comes with a very humbling feeling.  Franklin told his brother to "crank up the air in your house cause you are going to need that cool air."  You appreciate power, water, cable, wi fi, cellular phones, all of those basic privileges we have come to treasure.

But more importantly, your heart is humbled.  When I saw those trucks, my heart broke and swelled all at the same time.  I know these people are earning money, but that isn't the point.  They too are displaced from their families but they are kind and helpful.  They know how important the jobs they do are and to victims of the storm.

After 9-11, everyone went out and bought flags and proudly displayed those flags in homes and businesses.  People were kinder.  And slowly, things went back to normal. The flags tattered so they were taken down and not replaced.  

After Florence, I was blown away by the generosity, the kind hearts, the helping hands, the support, the smiles and the hugs.  One day when I was sitting in the gas line, the man in front of me obviously saw his friend and jumps, and I mean jumps out of his truck. He talks to his friend and then in the middle of the gas station line, he takes his pants off (jeans) and says, "I would give you my shirt but it smells, take my pants, that's the least I can do for you man cause you just have yours, take mine."  He turned around in his boxers and got in his truck.  

I loved it.  It is here to stay.  When you stand at curb and decide which of your child's belonging you are going to keep or throw away, it stays with you forever. 

And I love that it continues.  I love that 30 days later, there is still giving and helping.

There is not a person in Eastern Carolina who doesn't feel for those folks in the Panhandle.  Instead, you feel it, really feel the compassion and empathy for each one of those people.

Last night as the power flickered or went off and the winds blew, I felt a bit of angst.  I guess it is still so fresh.  

The "New Normal" means bigger hearts, helpful hands and humbled actions, all recipes for success and moving forward.

Continue to prosper and walk forward Eastern Carolina.  Panhandle, our hearts are with you to do the same.  

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Two nieces, One stair Stepper and Some Engagement Rings

My brother and sister-in-law blessed our family with two wonderful girls, Emma and Allison.

If you remember the Patty Duke show, they are the Patty Duke show.  Total opposites but thick as thieves.

Emma is "a Bahneman" through and through.  Organized, bossy, never misses a good time, flashy dresser and could not wait to be engaged and get married.  

Allison is "an Ammann" through and through.  Late, procrastinates, over the top cerebral, vegan and tofu, only chooses colors the Amish wears and was taken back by her engagement.

Despite their differences, they have rings on their fingers.  Bridal Ballooza has begun.

We cannot wait. Lately, I have been spending a crazy amounts of time on Pintrest and creating boards.  

So happy they are happy.

I have been going to the gym and have not seen the Marine or the Stair Stepper in months, months.  

I have been going at different times and have not run into the Marine or his group and the Stair stepper.  Not going to lie, I missed them and was a tad bit concerned.

Yesterday, I ran into the post office.  When I was walking back to my car, the Stair Stepper was walking out of a local restaurant.  She had a bag of take out under her arm.  It was her.  She looked over and because I had just left the gym, I had my "gym wear" on.  She waved at me.  I  waved back.  It was her, my stair stepper.  I needed the scoop.

So, I walked over to her.  She smiled and I said, "Where have you been, I haven't seen you in months?"

She smiled and said, "I got a new job.  I have been in Charleston.  This is my last weekend so I am just wrapping everything up.  I did go to the gym earlier but this is my last day here."

Yes, my heart sank.  I don't hide feelings well.  The Marine, what about the Marine?  

"I am so happy for you. Charleston is my favorite city ever.  So happy for you, you are a nurse, aren't you?"

"Yes, I got a new job there is a the medical center.  Getting a job at the Medical Center there has been a professional goal for me."  (I knew she was a nurse).

"Well I am just so happy for you."  (clearly, I sounded a bit sad).  (what about the Marine?)

And then she said, "I did get a going away present" and she whipped out her hand that had been under the take out.  

There is it was, the rock.  

Not going to lie, I screamed with happiness.  I do not even know the names of this couple but I have been cheering them on and their love.

She laughed so hard.  She said, "Jay even mentioned his gym mom would be happy for us".
I am so glad he said gym mom and not "elderly lady from the gym."

His name is Jay and I learned they are deployed.  She doesn't know when or where they will end up but her goal was to get a job in Charleston so she went to fulfill her last single girl dream while he was deployed.  I love this couple.  

I gave her a sweaty hug and wished them well, and congratulated her on her new job and told her I was so proud of her for going for it and even threw in there that my husband and I lived there and got married on the beach at IOP.  She smiled.  

And, as I was walking to my car, I yelled back at her, "and tell that handsome Marine of yours I was routing for him the whole time and I am proud of him for going for it!"

She cracked up. Unlocked her car door and that was the last I will no doubt ever see of her.

And while I am certainly sure I will not be invited to a wedding where I do not even know the name of the bride, I am happy for the upcoming nuptials and that love lives and grows.