Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Memorial Day Tribute...To tie a tie

Growing up in Pittsburgh, members of the Armed Forces are not an everyday occurrence. You have neighbors that are Polish, Italian, Serbian, Hungarian or Jewish, but  typically, no Armed Forces.  

So, moving just miles away from Military Bases was a new experience for me.  I remember my uncle being in the Navy but that is it for me.  I never really knew a Marine or a Pilot. Now, I know several.

Growing up in Pittsburgh, my mom would never let us have anything on the refrigerator.  No magnets, pictures, chip clip magnets, nothing.  Stark naked fridge.  Nothing. 

Most times, as an adult, you carry the fetish with you.  Not this one.  I do not have a naked fridge.  Proud of it.  I worked hard to get these kids, report cards, magnets and stuff that I don't even know I have  hanging on my fridge.

And, I will be honest.  If I come to your house and you have stuff on your fridge, I will check it out.  I love to read the stuff on the fridge. Lists of groceries, comics, funny notes, drawings and old pictures.  I am obsessed.

Over the last seventeen years, I have gotten a "Military education".  Did your husband get orders? How long?  Are you going to rent your house?  When does he return?  Where are you going when he gets back?  How is he doing? How are you doing?  

All questions I never asked that are now part of my repertoire.  
I  have been amazed at Military Spouses and their ability to keep the garage perfectly packed with the "unessential" in labeled boxes.  They deliver babies on their own, hang Christmas lights and coach teams without their partner.  Incredible people.  Strong spouses.  

This past Christmas, Franklin and I attended a Christmas Party.  The host was deploying in a few weeks.  It was, in a way, a going away party.

During the merriment, I spied something on the fridge.  A list.  As I wondered over to the fridge, I was amazed how long the list was...and how many items were already crossed off.

There it was..."Things I need to do before I leave".  
1.  Make sure there is enough salt in 'Water Heater.
2. Teach my son to change the furnace filters.
3.  Wax car.
4. Rotate tires.

And then among the list of random household chores, there it was....

23.  Teach my son how to tie a tie.

A very simple act. I could visualize this father standing there teaching his son...not quite a teenager  but certainly not a boy anymore and it tugged at my heart.

It hit me as i looked at the rest of the list, this husband, father and soldier, prepared this list for two reasons, practicality and love.  

I cannot imagine the thought and time that went into this list.

When I leave to go somewhere...my big concern...who is going to feed the rabbit?  Never have I had to prepare a list that embodies six months, two children, a spouse and a home.  Just in case you don't come back...the soldier taught his son how to tie a tie. Think of all the lessons you have been taught and all the lesson YOU taught your children...all because of those who have served so we could be free. 

So, this weekend...it isn't really about the hamburgers or the macaroni salad.  It is about sacrifices...simple sacrifices.  One father just wanted to make sure his son knew how to tie a tie.  And...that he was the one who taught him.

So when you make our grocery list for this Memorial Day...make sure you add
1.  Thank a serviceman and their spouse.

Happy Memorial Day.

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