Saturday, April 19, 2014


It is Easter Eve.  My favorite night of the entire year.  I LOVE Easter!

In a few minutes, the egg dying will commence.  If you could graduate from college with a degree in Easter Egg Dying, myself, along with my niece Emma would graduate with honors.

If you were to be graded for your Easter Basket design, my mom would be famous.  We had the same baskets every year.  I am sure she purchased them at GC Murphy's for about a quarter.  I still have mine.  That basket is how my kids said they figured out there wasn't an Easter Bunny.  I purchased Longaberger Easter Baskets for my boys and they did not appreciate getting the same one every year...or the fact that Addie has a "really old one".  I gave her mine.

My mom would go to Gene and Boots in Delmont and get my brother and I a chocolate rabbit, with our names written on the bottom.  Pink and white lambs and bunnies and then always a yellow chick on a stick were placed perfectly in our baskets with the nicest grass.  They don't make grass like that anymore.    Then, the egg that you looked through and saw the scenne, would always steal the moment. Perfect.  As we grew older we got 45's.  OJay's singing the Love Train was in my basket one year.  Loved my mom's Easter baskets.

I very seldom shop in WalMart.  I was there yesterday in the Easter row.  Jesus himself, along with Peter Rabbit would be horrified if they would have seen this.  Little Kitty Chocolates, Batman eggs, you name it, there is a trademarked logo on it.  So commercial. Not at all fresh and delicate.  I opted out and got my kids some clothes.  One Chocolate bunny per person. 

In 2018, Easter is on my birthday.  I am booking a band.

But, that is not what Easter is all about.

Easter Sunday is perfect. 

It is not about the chocolate, the cadbury chocolate eggs in the purple bags or the bunnies and new outfits.  It is not about the ham or the deviled eggs and the Easter Egg is about anew.

Forgiveness, starting over, do overs, fresh starts and anything is possible. 

I can remember being in Sunday School at Delmont Presbyterian Church with the concrete painted walls, hearing the story for the first time.  I was sold.  Loved it.

So tomorrow, in between bites of ham, chocolate ears and egg hunts, think about someone you need to pick up the phone and call, say hello, or offer forgiveness.  Maybe there is someone that you have lost touch with for no particular reason, that you think of, call them.

If there is something that you has aspired to do, now is the time.  Anything is possible.

If there is anger in your heart, find peace and move forward.

Enjoy the prospect of new beginnings.  Do overs and starting anew.  New life.


Enjoy your day with little expectations. 

Enjoy all that Easter represents.  New and bountiful beginnings.  Anything is possible.

Happy Easter.

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