Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My New Thanksgiving

I have written about this before, but growing up, we HATED THANKSGIVING.  It was our family's least favorite and most dreaded holiday of the year.

It was the holiday that we spent with my dad's parental units. 

They had a dog, Taffy, who shed like you wouldn't believe and at some point she nursed her puppies and let's just stay those nursing tools were all dried up and shriveled.

Betty, my dad's mother, could not cook, at all.  But, to her credit, her table always looked like the cover of Southern Living.  Except that we all had to cram inside this dining room with the over sized dining room table.  Whenever you moved, the things on the side board would jiggle and make a noise.  I can still hear that noise.  And the lime green Jello salad that had celery and carrots in it would jiggle on the plate as well.  The Jello salad was placed on the wilted, warm lettuce.

And because Betty could not cook, she would say dinner was at 2pm and we NEVER ate before six. 

The pre dinner festivities looked like a scene from the Old Folk's home.  They sat around, played cards and ate Chinese nuts. To this day, I have never been able to find those Chinese nuts in any store.

I always retreated to the back room where Betty would have a brand new jigsaw puzzle for me to build.  I would immerse myself in the jigsaw.  With a Squirt in a glass with a pewter coaster. 

Before the trip to the parental unit's home my dad and later my brother would go hunting.  They would NEVER get home when they were supposed to (like it mattered, we wouldn't eat until six anyway) and then my dad would torment my mom, my mom would be angry, he would rub his beard on her face, and the holiday would begin.  My dad would chew tobacco and open his door on the highway and spit it out, just to send my mom into a bigger rage.  The 20 minute trip was like going across country. 

It was a horrible Holiday.  One year, I can remember the Wonderful World of Disney coming on and we still hadn't eaten.

To this day, my brother still hunts on Thanksgiving and still hates it.

I have come along way.  I cook the dinner.  We eat at home.  I even bought some Thanksgiving decorations over the years and last year, Turkey dishes.  I love them.  They sealed the deal for me.

One of my traditions has always been the day after Thanksgiving to turn my house, inside and out, into Christmas.

This year, I have changed.  I am beginning to feel like I was a Pilgrim in my previous life.  I am filled with Thanks and I am way over the "crap" of Christmas.

I am all about breaking bread with my family, low key day and discussing the blessings that have been bestowed on my family in the past year.

I am not about Rudolph being shoved down my throat before the Macy's day Parade. 

What is the hurry, the rush?  Where is the Thanks?  Why aren't people celebrating blessings?

This year, when it is my turn at the table to say what I am thankful for, I have a list.

I am thankful....

that my friends who have cancer are responding to treatments and are ALL  on the road of recovery.

I have my parents and they are well.  Nutty, but well.

I have my sibling and his family.

My husband still has all of his siblings and their families.

I can read books and voice my opinion in our country.

We have clean drinking water that comes out of a faucet and electricity that comes with the ease of a switch.

My children and healthy and are receiving an education from wonderful educators.

People before believed in something so much, freedom of religion, that set sail on a ship and made their passions part of my freedoms. 

My friend, who will bury her son this week, has a huge support system, one that she introduced me too. 

My oldest son is alive. He may not be at our table but he is alive.  He is struggling but he is alive and can exercise the power of choice surrounded by people who love him.

I have great friends with large hearts and fabulous spirits.

And finally, as crazy as we are, I have my family.

I am not sure that I am turning into Santa's elf this year the day after Christmas.
I think I am just going to savor the moment and reflect on Thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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