Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dare Essay Winner Field Trip to Summer Camp

How ironic is it that you win the DARE essay and the reward is a trip to summer camp?  Especially in my house.  The winners should get to sit and school and the others should have to go on the tour.

Well, Tuesday was the day.  Walker sprung out of his bed like a Jack Rabbit.

I thought about both of my boys the entire day.

Obviously, Walker's classmates knew about the situation in our family.  Hearing about it and seeing it are two different things. 

Would they see one another?  I was consumed with this this one thought the entire day.

Well,  Walker gets home and the other thing I get is, "we went to Golden Corral and I had the best mini cheeseburgers and we rode on the Coast Guard Boat and I am joining the Coast Guard."  What?  I waited all day and that is what I get?

Finally, later that night, the real story comes out.  "Coast Guard Station Tour and Boat Ride, Lunch at Golden Corral, I had salad, cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, fish, five desserts.  Summer Camp.  A lady said hi to me. We went up and we watched them in the two way mirror and I could see the button but he was sleeping.  He is in E-----.  Oh, and they arranged for me to see him but some guy got in a fight for wanting to watch Sponge Bob and now all of them got penalized and I couldn't.  But he was just sleeping."

Okay, good. 

I asked him, "did you feel uncomfortable?"

"No mom, I told them to learn from this.  You know mom, we couldn't ride with the sirens on because there were people in front of us and we didn't want them to get startled."

I want to be a kid again.  I want this stage of our lives to end and I wish I could eat five desserts at Golden Corral too.

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