Wednesday, March 13, 2013


In addition to my two lady friends that have just started their fight with cancer, my dear friend, "JOY" has been fighting cancer for two years.  And stage four Lyme's disease with cancer.  My friend "JOY" is the most sincere and genuine person, EVER.  I love her.  She is the kindest person, with tons of outrageous quirks that make her so special. 

"JOY" has been so sick over the past two years that she has been in solitary confinement.  No guests, no visitors, no extra germs.  No social engagements, no shopping.  Nothing.  Just hospitals, treatments and doctors.  That is it.  She cannot visit and she cannot accept visitors.

It has broken my heart. I would love to see her and sit on her deck and chat.  Not happening.  Doctor's orders.

Today, on the way to a summer camp visit, I decided to call "JOY".  She didn't pick up so I took advantage of the voicemail until it ran out.  I just chatted non-stop until there wasn't any tape left.  Imagine that?

Tonight, after I left work, I noticed I had a missed call,  It was "JOY".  Initially, my first response was "Damn!"

I listened to my voice mail at a red light with the windows open.

"JOY" called to tell me that this was the last phone call she was making for the next three weeks. She was going to be unavailable by phone.  She wanted me to know that she was going to miss my birthday and Easter and sending me my cards but she wanted to let me know that she was going to call me earlier but she was too busy preparing.   She had me.
 I had a lump in my throat and then she said with glee,
 She got cleared, after two years, by the doctors to leave the house and she was going to NEW ZEALAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh hell yeah!  I was screaming out the window like a crazy lady!!!!! Hooray.  I was so happy for her and her lovely husband that I just couldn't keep it in.  The people at the light just kept light kept looking over at me.

What a "JOYous" message.

I am sure that she was flying to the land down under on angel wings. 

 I so enjoyed my commute home knowing that "Joy" was in a happy place. 

I was happy that happy thoughts were in my heart.  I had been preoccupied all day by my friend.  I hadn't heard anything about her first day  of "fighting cancer" and I knew I couldn't bother her.

And then, my email lit up on my phone.  A new message.

It was from her.My friend who just spent two days finding out what her new life was going to be like.  When I saw her name, I was timid.  What was it going to say?  I never imagined that the email would read like this...
Yesterday, when she was at the doctor's office...a young man was taking her blood pressure and struck up a conversation with her.  She is sure that she was hand picked by God  to help others.  She is on a mission.  After he was finished taking her blood pressure, etc. and she was left alone in the room, a message was slid under the door.

 This message said, "Look up this song when you get home.  God Bless."

They say that angels come in all shapes and sizes.  I am so glad this angel slid that note to my friend before he flew my other friend to New Zealand.  Sitting in there, in that room, all alone, somebody gave her the message of Hope.

The song,

I read the email three times, each time with greater happiness and hope.  And I listened to the song. 
And as troubled as my heart as been for each one of these three ladies, this email message just made my heart know that it was all going to be okay.

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