Monday, December 19, 2011

The Joy in Joyce

This particular Christmas season, I have been JOYFUL.  Filled with JOY.  Happy.  Organized.  Excited.  JOYFUL. 

Never  saw the joy coming.  Ever. 

I have been at Peace for a couple of weeks now.  Peace in my heart and Peace of mind.  I am now at Peace with everything that has happened this year.  This is a huge statement for a control freak like me.  I am at peace with what I can control and what I have NO control of and I have let it all go.  I put it in my hands, held my hands up to the skies and blew it away.  "Your turn, God".  I am at Peace.

I think because I let it all go, I have felt angels everywhere.  Maybe it is the holiday season but the angels have been everywhere.  I have felt them and have seen them. I know that angels are taking care of my kids.  I have heard  the angels too.

One of my favorite angels is Karen Carpenter.

I am a holiday sap for the "Merry Christmas Darling" by Karen and her brother, Richard Carpenter.

I have shared my affections for the Carpenters with many people, including a dear friend, Joyce. Joyce,  her husband and I LOVE the Carpenter Christmas album.  It is our fave.  We are proud to tell it too.  We HEART the Carpenters.

Joyce has cancer.  The "c" word.  She is my dear friend and she does Christmas like nobody else.  Her trees are perfect.  Her cards too.  Her presents are picked with genuine thoughtfulness and wrapped the care.  Joyce has been an angel to me for so many years.  She is truly one of the most wonderful people I will know. 

Yesterday, I turned on the radio and there was my sweet musical angel, Karen.  I had a some time alone in the car so I reached out to Joyce. 

Hmm...Joyce cannot go out of the house, cannot shop, eat (and this skinny chick can EAT some chocolate and junk food), she cannot attend parties and she cannot participate in Christmas this year. 

Her voice was sweet, strong and clear. 

Earlier in the day, the "button" called.  We had a fabulous conversation.  As sad as he is that he is in "summer camp" he said that he is GLAD all of this has happened.  He told us that he is growing up, he has learned to appreciate reading and he has learned to appreciate his family and his home.  He is glad he is well and strong and he will continue to be well and strong.  "Mom, I am not sick, I am getting well, reading like a mad man and missing good things.  This "whole" thing, mom, is a good thing.  It is making us a better family and me a better man.  I know the real meaning of Christmas now.  It is what you have in your heart that matters, not electronics."

As I spoke to Joyce, in her sweet, strong, clear voice, she told me that she is "glad that cancer happened to her".  She has been blessed beyond her dreams, she has met wonderful people and has heard wonderful tales for goodness and strength. " She is glad that cancer has happened.  Think about that statement for a minute, one whole minute.  If you think about it for sixty seconds, you should get the chills.

Both Joyce and the "button" are confined.  They cannot participate in shopping, they cannot leave their domains, they cannot eat the calorically dense Christmas foods and they cannot participate in the Christmas merriment.  They know it is upon us but they cannot participate.  They can only imagine it. 

But, they both have Christmas in their hearts.  Both Joyce and the "button" have JOY.  The JOY comes from attitude.  Attitude is everything.

The JOY in my heart this year comes from people like JOYce.  The look at Santa's sack and say "half full" instead of "half empty".  People like Joyce say, "hey you c-word, Give me what you got cause I can take it, bring it on."

They might be confined, but they are spirited, zesty folk, Joyce and the "button". 

Her strength is now my strength.  

My holiday season is now more JOYful than ever.  If she can do it, I can do it.  We can all do it.

I keep thinking of her strong, sweet, clear voice yesterday.   JOYce is my Karen Carpenter this year. Hey JOYce, Merry Christmas.

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