Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Party at the Corrections Facility

The good news is that when you attend a Christmas Party at the Corrections Facility, you don't need to spend time worrying about what you wear.  And, for the record, red and green and is waaaaay over done.  Orange and stainless gray just reek of the holidays.


The "button" asked Franklin and me for a Christmas Present.  In unison, without skipping a beat, we both replied, "Saw or File."

We thought that was funny.  You know, summer camp humor.

No, he wanted to see his siblings before Christmas. 

So, off we go.  This is definitely a story line for the Grisswalds.

Again, it was awesome.  Addie told us on the way there, her teacher asked the class what they knew about Beaufort and she said, "that is where the county jail is."  Oh  my.

Anyway, the party was great.  The "button" on one side, us on the other.

When we got there, a friend had shown up to visit the "button".  I was so happy for the "button".  Someone reached out to him and I know this gesture meant the world to him.  More important, this young man has been to summer camp too and has been forced to grow up just like the "button".

Addie shared with the "button" that she put on her Santa list that "please bring something for the "button".
He said the only thing he wanted was to get home.  I bet.

In a phone conversation, I got my Christmas list wish.  My child has been running away for two years.  For two years all I have heard is how much he "hates us and cannot wait to leave here".  The "button" explained that what he misses most is his parents, his siblings and his home.  He asked for pictures of the tree, the garland going up the steps, the nutcrackers, everything Christmas.  He said he has layed awake thinking of our house at Christmas and his room.  And then he said, "what I want most is to repair my relationship with my family.  I feel like things are really good now and I want to keep them this way.  We get to have great talks and I want to keep it that way."

Merry Christmas.  It didn't even need to be wrapped.  It came wrapped in love.

So here we are, one kid at summer camp, two little kids at home.  Court has been moved to the end of January.  The "button" continues to grow up and think.  Cannot put a price tag on this. 

Yes, we could bail the "button" out and bring him home for Christmas.  We could.  We won't.  Not bailing him out is our Christmas present to him.  It doesn't need to be wrapped either.

I constantly think of the parents of deployed servicemen and women and parents of sick children.  It is only a day, but is one of "those days".  We will remember this Christmas forever and hopefully, chuckle about it when the "button" is a Senator or something.  Wouldn't that be something? 

Merry Christmas to you all.  I hope you get that special gift that comes wrapped in love that touches your heart a million times.

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