Monday, October 17, 2011

let's call this "fall semester"

Thursday and Friday I heard from the "button" via Facebook.  Okay, I will take it.  He's alive and still has fingers so we took this as a positive sign.

More importantly, he wrote that he was tired of living "this way" and wanted to be "drug and alcohol free."

Yeah "button".

So, I started again on Friday searching for facilities.

I messaged him and heard nothing. 

Then at 1:32am, my phone rang.  Of course I answered it.  Franklin and Walker were at Boy Scout camp and I was sure that Franklin rolled into the fire or Walker tripped over a tree stump.



"hey, it is me, Officer....."

Okay, how pathetic that you are on a first named basis with any cop that isn't related to you and they have your cell number?

The "button" was arrested for resisting arrest here in our hometown.

He is at "fall semester" and I am not sure when that "semester" will be over.

Good news?  I guess.  He is safe and unharmed.  This is a rehab facility you cannot get kicked out.

Have I spoken to him?  No.  He has called.  I have nothing that is very positive to say. 

The irony?  The first time he ever creeped out of the house and stayed out all night?  Two years ago on a Friday night during the Boy Scout Camping Event.

Two years of drugs, alcohol, lies, inappropriate friend and inappropriate behavior, and heart wrenching bullshit.

Honestly, this second time around is WAY worse than the first.

So, Four months later, the hula hoop continues. 

When his class comes home for Christmas break, tired from finals, the "button" MAY BE finished with his fall semester.  Bet the curriculum is way different at his school.

1 comment:

  1. My sister is going throught the same thing. Her "button" comes home in December. She is wary. She has been through this before and also with her first son. Her first son finally found his way after repeatedly getting put back into "the" facility. I pray that the button finds his way back to the path that will lead him to being healthy, happy, and productive. You are in my thoughts. Hang in there.
