Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I never knew ___________ until I was a mom.

I was never a cat lover.  In fact, it is true that I used to say, "the only good cat, is a dead cat."  And then I became a mom. 

When Adeline was little, she would get up from her nap and I would ask, "what did you dream about?" 


I shopped for months for a kitten.  The perfect kitten.  I named her Ruthie.    We gave our child a kitten.  A kitten.  Knowing it would get big, I had a kitten.

When she was little and would call for her kitten, she would stand outside and yell, "Titty Roofie, Titty Roofie".  Every man in the neighborhood loved it.

Until I became a mom, I never knew that Cats are great pets.  I apologize now to all the felines that I have offended.

So now we have two cats (that is a whole different blog title) and one just had kittens.

Two cats, three kittens.

The birth happened in a box, with a cloroxed beach towel over it, in our bedroom.  It was amazing.  Birth is amazing.  Motherhood is amazing.

I watched a  cat's water break, saw the licking of the membrane, all of it, and she just took over.  It was amazing. 

I watched her in awe and while others were "oh ing and awe ing" over the kittens, I was in awe of mom.  She did it and was doing motherhood.  No classes, books or mid-wife...she knew.

It has been eight days since the kittens arrived.  When I check on them, the first thing I do is pat the mom.  Proud of her. 

So, in honor of moms everywhere...I never knew...

1.  Socks have "lines (seams) in them."  Those "lines" are evil.

2.  BATMAN will always be the longest living male. 

3.  Stepping on a lego in the middle of the night is  a form of torture.

4.  Boggers are a food group.

5.  "Sucking up your snot" takes way less time than blowing your nose.  Wiping snot on your sleeve takes less time than an actual blow as well.

6.  The lack of fingerprints on your car windows, windows and refridgerators, will make you sad.

7.  Naked babies on the beach are always in style.

8.  I miss Toys R Us.  And Geoffrey the Giraffe.

9. Liquid Medicines are always RED and the stains will NEVER come out.

10.  The Tooth Fairy only arrives when you have only a twenty and no change.

11.  Family room forts rock. 

12.  Oreos, chicken nuggets and mac and cheese trump spinach any day.  And,  Oreos, chicken nuggets and mac and cheese WILL make you big and strong. 

13.  The word "mama", even spoken from a 14 year old, will melt your heart.

14.  I miss cartoon music and the theme from SpongeBob.

15.  I wish my babies would still come down and try and crawl in bed with us. 

16.  Christmas is NOT the same when Santa doesn't come.

17.  French Fries in between the seats of your car, will never decompose. 

18.  No matter how much or how often a child begs for a pet, the mom is still responsible for that pet. 

17.  When you call your mom on the phone and she answers and you say, "Mom, this is ........." chances are she knew who it was BEFORE you identified yourself.

18.  Kids cannot find anything without mom.  But, if you sneak candy bars in the house, kids will find them without the help of mom.

19. You hurt when your child hurts.  Period.

20.  The fastest time of your life is when your kids are little. 

21.  The most incredible picture you will ever have is your child on that first sonogram photo.

22.  Being a parent is the hardest job you will ever do, for the least amount of pay, with the greatest reward.

23.  The first time you feel your baby kick is amazing.

24.  Eighteen years is not nearly long enough.

25.  Motherhood rocks.

To moms everywhere, Have a great day.  Hey, does anybody want a kitten?

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