Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lemons and Lemonade

We have all heard the expression, "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." 

So easy to say, so very hard to do.

Last week, it was DARE Graduation at Addie's school.   I love DARE.  I couldn't wait to attend.  There is always a speaker.  I was looking forward to it.

When the Officer introduced the speaker, my heart raced.  The speaker was a mother I have been following.  I never knew I would get to meet her.  There she was speaking a few rows in front of me.  I knew her story but I was anxious to hear her message.

She started off with the "usual" drug facts.  And then, she laid it out there.  She told her story to a gym full of kids and parents with passion and composure.  Strength and love.  She told her about her new life.  Her 16 year old daughter died as a result of prescription drug abuse and her son found his sister in the pool. 

But that wasn't all.  That wasn't what moved me.  It was her life afterward that astounded me.  She took it to the next level.  She had the person who sold the drugs arrested and she started a new cause and she is taking that cause to Washington, D.C. 

She took her lemons, wrapped them up with love and strength and a will to bring meaning to her daughter's life and death and is marching to Washington, D.C.

The last time two mother's showed up on the Capitol in that frame of mind, the drinking age was raised to 21 and Mother Against Drunk Driving became a household name.

One of my dearest friends, C, became pregnant the same time I did.  Neither knew what we were having.  It was her first, my last.  We both had daughters, 2 weeks apart and 2 pounds apart.  Her sweet daughter drowned at 22 months. 

Again, it was not the lemons that defined her, it was the lemonade. 

Next week, she is hosting, a major Faith based weekend for women.   She has felt the need in her heart to help heal others.  She dreamed it, is executing it and is going to live it. Again, lemonade.

My prom date and his wife have also astounded me.  Their son, on a vacation after active duty deployment, was killed on a motorcycle in Hawaii.  They tucked their broken hearts under a carpenter's belt and built a home for Veteran's.

I cannot think of a greater memory and gift.

Last year, a young boy in our community died in a skateboarding accident.  As sad as this accident has been, the love and joy that has also filled our community has been astounding.  People from all over have joined the cause to "Do it for Drew".  Instead of grieving together, we have celebrated life, his life, the purpose of life and moving forward.

I didn't realize until I was reading over this post, that all of the above have a common denominator.  When the most horrific thing that can happen to parents happened, these people made a difference.  They looked at those lemons and said "not in my world, not happening, I am making lemonade."  And in the darkest of moments, the saddest of hearts, they vowed to make a difference.  To offer Grace and kindness and defining moments in their worst period of your life is the greatest testimony of the human spirit.  Lemonade Supreme.

In April, when the stabbing incident happened at my former high school, hours after the incident at Franklin Regional High School, the conversation became, "what can we do to help?"  I am not familiar with the proper behavior after a stabbing incident at a high school and neither were most people.  What happened in the hours and the weeks afterward in Murrsyville, Pa would have moved ANYONE. The coming together of hearts, minds, souls and spirits to rally as one, to rebuild a community that was shattered was unprecedented.  It has been amazing, the monies raised, the cards sent, the prayers and the support for the accused and his family.  Amazing.

I overheard someone say today, "why is there so much negativity in the world today?"

Even a seed is whole when planted, then, it breaks.  The seed has to break before it can sprout life.  And then, the sprout reaches through the ground and grows.  Lemon Trees, lovely Lemon Trees.

Drink up, glasses of ice cold lemonade for everyone.

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